Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Breakfast: 11/2/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Sen. Harry Reid: Mr. Grumpy-Pants Goes to Washington

    I would much rather have Lady Liberty grace the top position on my blog a bit longer, but this just had to be shared again:
    "It's the REPUBLICANS who are obstructing this government! Whatever happened to minority rule?" (Photo courtesy of AFP, via...

  2. Sen. Harry Reid: Mr. Grumpy-Pants Goes to Washington

    I would much rather have Lady Liberty grace the top position on my blog a bit longer, but this just had to be shared again:
    "It's the REPUBLICANS who are obstructing this government! Whatever happened to minority rule?" (Photo courtesy of AFP, via...

  3. Sen. Harry Reid: Mr. Grumpy-Pants Goes to Washington

    I would much rather have Lady Liberty grace the top position on my blog a bit longer, but this just had to be shared again:
    "It's the REPUBLICANS who are obstructing this government! Whatever happened to minority rule?" (Photo courtesy of AFP, via...

  4. Red Tide Magically Disappears!

    On the Gulf Coast of Florida there is always something in the water. It's not a giant great white shark waiting to chomp down on some bikini clad co-ed out past the markers. It's something much worse, because you don't have to be in the water to fee...

  5. Red Tide Magically Disappears!

    On the Gulf Coast of Florida there is always something in the water. It's not a giant great white shark waiting to chomp down on some bikini clad co-ed out past the markers. It's something much worse, because you don't have to be in the water to fee...

  6. Red Tide Magically Disappears!

    On the Gulf Coast of Florida there is always something in the water. It's not a giant great white shark waiting to chomp down on some bikini clad co-ed out past the markers. It's something much worse, because you don't have to be in the water to fee...

  7. Experimental Blogging: Experiment # 9

    Yesterday was the 178th consecutive day that Larry, the creepy bastard that lives next door, went out to get his paper in nothing but his thong. I saw him peeking out of his curtains for about a half hour, waiting for the middle school girls to walk ...

  8. Experimental Blogging: Experiment # 9

    Yesterday was the 178th consecutive day that Larry, the creepy bastard that lives next door, went out to get his paper in nothing but his thong. I saw him peeking out of his curtains for about a half hour, waiting for the middle school girls to walk ...

  9. Experimental Blogging: Experiment # 9

    Yesterday was the 178th consecutive day that Larry, the creepy bastard that lives next door, went out to get his paper in nothing but his thong. I saw him peeking out of his curtains for about a half hour, waiting for the middle school girls to walk ...

  10. Pecos and Jack # 1

    The saga of Pecos and Jack...

  11. Linkfest For Nov. 2, 2005

    In celebration, permalink this to ANY POST from today. Post a trackback. I come home from work and I list them here.

  12. Stacking the Deck

    Time and time again the pro-abortion activists prove they are more concerned about their agenda than they are about the health and well being of women. Why else would they suppress the truth about the risks associated with abortion such as depression...

  13. Christian Grace vs. Urban Parasites

    So how did those three repay Betty for her kindness? They killed her. They strangled this 77-year-old church leader, this mother of three daughters.

  14. The Story Behind the Behind Closed Doors Story

    This morning Fox News has a more in-depth report on yesterday's close Senate session. The story goes into some of the history of the investigation being conducted by the Senate Intelligence Committee into pre-war intelligence about Iraq. According to ...

  15. Fools

    Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools Fools...

  16. French Rioting Spreads

    You'd think rioting on the scale we're seeing would be front page news of the 'paper of record,' but you'd be wrong. This is Day Six of widespread violence and the story merits only a below the fold mention in the International section.

  17. Closed minds close Senate doors

    It was all coming together beautifully for them. The investigation of Karl Rove was in progress, nearly 2,000 soldiers had died in Iraq, President Bush’s pick of Harriet Miers was blowing up in his face and there were hurricanes to blame the Preside...

  18. Is Classical Liberalism Doomed?

    I hesitate to use the term "the Left," because it is really a lazy abstraction, ablbeit sometimes a necessary one. Furthermore, many people, especially centrist American Democrats, consider themselves part of "the Left," but are really not. To quot...

  19. Is Classical Liberalism Doomed?

    I hesitate to use the term "the Left," because it is really a lazy abstraction, ablbeit sometimes a necessary one. Furthermore, many people, especially centrist American Democrats, consider themselves part of "the Left," but are really not. To quot...

  20. Is Classical Liberalism Doomed?

    I hesitate to use the term "the Left," because it is really a lazy abstraction, ablbeit sometimes a necessary one. Furthermore, many people, especially centrist American Democrats, consider themselves part of "the Left," but are really not. To quot...


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