Thursday, November 3, 2005

Breakfast: 11/3/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. I’m Back, Loverly Ladies

    It’s been some weeks since I, an avowed fence-sitter during the Miers kerfuffle, had been able to read either Ann Coulter or Peggy Noonan without wincing. Ann even ticked me off during the Roberts build-up.


  2. I’m Back, Loverly Ladies

    It’s been some weeks since I, an avowed fence-sitter during the Miers kerfuffle, had been able to read either Ann Coulter or Peggy Noonan without wincing. Ann even ticked me off during the Roberts build-up.


  3. I’m Back, Loverly Ladies

    It’s been some weeks since I, an avowed fence-sitter during the Miers kerfuffle, had been able to read either Ann Coulter or Peggy Noonan without wincing. Ann even ticked me off during the Roberts build-up.


  4. Prodigies of the Arts

    a Guinness World Record Holder for ?Youngest Professional Artist?? Dante chooses his own charities, and commands a high value for his Art.

  5. As always, thanks for the link!

  6. Read My Column, Post A Link

    It is Weekly Column Day! My column in the Daily Mail explains why poll numbers matter little, CBS. The Beverly Hillbillies had high ratings and were cancelled. Dick Van Dyke had low ratings its first year and won Emmys.
    My column is "Bush: unpopular ...

  7. Pro-lifers in Denial About Alito?

    The plain simple fact is that Alito voted in favor of partial birth abortion as a fundamental right. We don’t need to go any further than that. It doesn’t matter why or how. There can be and is no good excuse or reason for doing so. Ever. And ther...

  8. Hey, thanx for stopping by, and for the hat tip.
    I hope you enjoyed yourself to stop by again!

  9. Republican Socialism

    From today's Washington Times comes more reports of the willingness of some Republican leaders to abandon even their most basic principles in return for votes.

  10. Ezzie:
    A pleasure.

    Dave S:
    Yes, I did. And don't be a stranger yourself.


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